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Guru is leading us to the enlightenment

10:25 - 11:53|Recorded on 1 Jul 2024
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Lecture by Swami Avatarpuriji. We got samskaras already before we were born. The story of how the Son of Veda Vyas found his Guru, King Janaka, and finally reached the enlightenment. The story of how King Janaka found his Guru, Sage Ashtavakra. We also long for the enlightenment. The qualities of a people who have a true devotion to the Guru.

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Practising asanas with Vishwaguruji

12:00 - 13:13 | From: 18 Sep 2022
Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Sydney Ashram, Australia. Practising asanas and relaxation with Vishwaguruji.

The eternal journey of the Soul

13:20 - 14:16 | From: 14 Apr 2018
Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Martin, Slovakia. We should ask ourselves: Who am I? From where did I come? Where I am going? In order to have liberation, we need the blessing of the Guru. Only to have a title is nothing. Growing of the ego is a danger for the spiritual aspirant. Know thyself as the Atma. Every life is like a dream, it is your reality. There are three levels of consciousness.

What is destiny?

14:20 - 14:56 | From: 4 Sep 2021
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Prayer is a part of all religions and cultures, it's the way people communicate with God. People living in small villages or big cities have their own destiny. Fortune, misfortune, happiness, unhappiness, wealth and poverty are all part of our destiny. The story of a disciple whose life was saved by Satsang.

Around the world - Yoga For Wellness (4/5)

15:00 - 16:42 | From: 11 Oct 2017
International Conference "Yoga For Welness". Organized by Indian Ministry of Ayush, Government of India in New Delhi, India.

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We need Gurudev

22:00 - 22:54 | From 3 Jul 2024
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Our biggest mistake is that we know everything and don't need Gurudev anymore. That is the start of our free fall, without a parachute. Always have in your mind, that we are disciples, learning continuously.

All pilgrim places are at the lotus feet of Gurudev

19:40 - 20:27 | From 21 Jun 2024
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. The greetings of Mahamandaleshwar Vishwaguruji and Swami Avatarpuriji in the Ashram. Utilize every minute of being here at the seminar. The opening words of Swami Avatarpuriji. Don't waste time, be in the satsang. All pilgrim places are at the lotus feet of Gurudev. If we have His darshan we have nothing to worry about.

Premium videos

Organic farming in Netherlands

From 3 Aug 2023
From Dongen, Oosterhuot, The Netherland. A report about organic farming in the Netherland.

Practice with Vishwaguruji

From 17 Jul 2023
Morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

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